Monday, November 11, 2013

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

 This week we learned all about weather!  Channel 7's weatherman Todd came to both Prek classes and taught us all about the different types of clouds and the types of weather we can expect from them.  After our lesson we were declared official Junior Meteorologists!

This week's letter study was on the letter I.  As we learned about the different types of weather we learned what it takes to grow plants that we eat at our Thanksgiving celebrations.  We learned that one of the first crops the Indians helped the Pilgrims grow was corn, so we made tissue paper Indian Corn for our windows.  They even look good enough to eat!
To close our week of learning all about the letter I we made our own frosty treat, Ice Cream!
With a little sugar,
a little milk, 
a little vanilla,
two sandwich sized zip lock bags,  
lots of ice, 
a handful of salt, 
a few towels to protect our hands from the cold, 
and lots of shaking... 
you get ice cream! 
It was so yummy we all wanted seconds!

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