Friday, January 24, 2014

When I Grow Up

 Last week we learned all about different people in our neighborhood who help keep us safe and well.  We learned about those who bring us the news and weather, police, fire fighters, doctors, nurses, farmers and transportation workers who help bring yummy and healthy foods to our local stores and tables, and workers who keep our city clean.  After learning about all of the different jobs we all took a turn sharing what we want to be when we grow up!
When the Hoots of PreK B grow up they want to be...
One craft of the week was making fire engines.  Look at our cute fire captains! 
On Friday we had special visitors after mass, fire fighters!  We learned all about their tools, their different jobs on the fire squad, and what to do if we ever have a fire in our home. 
Mrs.Baker was even volunteered to put on the 70 plus pounds of gear!  I couldn't imagine having to wear all of that gear AND carry someone out of a burning building.

Luckily, they let me take a bit off before we practiced crawling to our safe spot. 
Gus even got to show the fire fighters that PreK B knows how to stop, drop, and roll if we were ever to catch ourselves on fire!  Look at him go! 
Everyone who wanted to try on the gear got a chance, it was much larger than us but we looked adorable anyways! 
While PreK A got to look at the fire engine, we got a special lesson on the tools the fire fighters get to use when rescuing people from car fires.  We learned that fire fighters will never hurt us with their tools, even if the tools look really scary!
Finally, we got to go outside and look at all of the cool parts of the fire truck! 
Thank you for sharing all that you do with us! 

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