Saturday, March 1, 2014

PreK Plants!

 This week we learned all about the letter S and Plants.
We learned that all plants start as seeds and with soil, water, sun light, and air they grow into all different kinds of plants.  We even "planted" our own lima beans in sprout houses and watched them grow.  This was a good lesson in patience for us, since we learned that plants can't grow over night and we had to wait a few days to see our beans sprout.  :)
When we learned about plants needs, we learned that one of those needs was water.  We wondered if changing the color of the water we gave our plants would change the color of their petals and leaves, so we conducted an experiment to find our!
We took a class vote and the colors we chose were: blue, lime green, yellow, and pink.
After one day there was no change. 
After two days there was a little change in the blue flower.
And after four days the blue, lime green (turned out more yellow than green), and yellow flowers had lots of new color.  Unfortunately, our pink flower rejected the dye and water.
After learning all of the parts of a flower, we diagramed and labeled our own flower made from our hand prints!
Our final project for the week was making our own silhouettes for the letter S.  I absolutely love the way they turned out against our water color back grounds!   How many Hoot can you recognize from their silhouette?
Here's a fun shot of the Hoots and I who wore our Sunglasses on Friday, such a treat on a beautiful day! 

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