Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Octopus Stew

Last week we learned all about the letter O and made Octopus Stew!

What?!?!  Octopus Stew?

Mrs. Baker has lost her mind!

What on earth will it taste like?

Will we like it?

 It will probably taste gross!

It will probably smell funny!

Wait!  The octopus are really just hot dogs?!?!

The octopus start off pretty small,
but as they cook they grow and their tentacles start to curl!
Our happy octopus were served with a side of gold fish and ocean water, how fitting! 

Two thumbs up for Octopus Stew!

This past week we had three birthdays in PreK B!  Happy 5th Birthday to Sloane and Austin and Happy 6th Birthday to Bella!

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