Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Lunch

 Last week we learned all about What Lives In The Water.  We discussed animals that live in ponds, rivers, lakes, and of course-the ocean!
The kids loved making jellyfish to hang from our ceilings!
Our favorite story of the week was The Rainbow Fish!  We learned that sharing our gifts and talents with others brings us more joy than keeping them to our self.  We each decorated a fish and our class rainbow fish shared all of its shiny scales with everyone, making us one special "school"!
We had the pleasure of seeing the Mount Saint Mary's Comedy Club perform!  These girls are studying theater and love sharing their gifts through silly songs and skits with others, especially children. 
My favorite part of the week was the Mother's Day Lunch!  Although it rained and our plans were moved inside, it was so wonderful to see all of the kids with you, their sweet moms.  Thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with me this year, each and every one of them will always be one of my "kids" and I love them all dearly!

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