Monday, September 1, 2014

A Circle is a Shape that Goes Around and Around!

This week we learned all about the circle!  We  met a new friend named Suzy Circle and listened to a VERY catchy song that taught us that circles have no corners or straight lines.  A pizza, a cookie, a ring, and a coin all go around and around!
Has your Hoot been singing this song?  Be warned, it will get stuck in your head!  :)
After we learned what a circle looks like we sorted objects into two groups, objects that looked like circles and objects that looked like other shapes.  Everyone got a chance to sort an object on the smart board and if they correctly selected an object that looked like a circle it disappeared!  Just plain magic!
After we sorted all of the objects in our Smart lesson we went on a Circle Hunt!  Our Hoots are extremely smart and had no trouble locating lots of circles in our classroom!
Cameron found a circle on our weather chart
 Ian found the green paper lantern that is a big circle
Samantha noticed that all of our tables are circles 
Ava found the beach ball on Michael the Weather Guy's shirt that was a circle
Sarah Kate found the purple paper lantern, another circle hanging from our ceiling 
Julian found two circles side by side in the Os that spell Hoots 
Mary Millicent found lots of circles in our dramatic play center, her favorite is the skillet that she "cooks' French toast in! 
Tyler found circle friends on our smart board
Savannah noticed the lid to our new water jug is a circle 
Taylor found two circles in the work Books in our reading center 
Alexander found lots of circles on the front of the  Wemberly Worried book in our reading center
Bella shared that all of the polka dots on the girls' name tags are circles
Dawson found our wall clock which is a very large circle 
Anna noticed that all of our plates and bowls in dramatic play center are circles 
Sloane pointed out that the tops of our glue sticks are circles
Austin liked the owl's large circle eyes 
After finding so many circles in our room we moved on to practice our fine motor skills of tracing circles, painting and cutting circles!
Look at the focus on these faces!
 The kids loved using the circle paint dotters to trace their names!
Our last circle project of the week involved cutting.  After learning how to hold our scissors properly and practicing cutting straight lines, we moved on to cutting out, you guessed it, circles!
What could we possibly need six circles for? 
Cute caterpillars, of course! 

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