Monday, October 6, 2014

Giddy Up, Cowboy!

Look at these cute cowboys and cowgirls, so excited to learn all about the letter C!

Savannah, Tyler, and Mary Millicent
Sarah Kate, Julian, and Ava
Sloane, Anna, and Austin
Alexander, Bella, Taylor, and Dawson
Cameron, Samantha, and Ian

On Cowboy Day we had a special visit from Father Tom!  Father Tom talked all about ways we can talk to God and even taught us that cowboys cross their hearts with their hats when they pray.

The cute cowboys also made cute cats for their alphabet journals!  So much personality, it's adorable!

This week we learned all about "How Can I Stay Healthy?"  We learned that exercise, proper hygiene, and a balanced diet help keep our bodies in tip top shape.  Our favorite lesson of the week was our food sort.  Each student got a chance to decide if a food item was healthy and should be in our everyday diet or if the food wasn't healthy and should only be eaten on occasion as a special treat.

Speaking of foods that are a special treat, we made our final apple krispies!

First, shape your rice krispies into a ball.

Second, add a tootsie roll stem.

Third, finish with a jelly bean leaf.

Fourth, enjoy!

After enjoying our apple krispies we got to enjoy another awesome pep rally!  Go Wabbits!

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