Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween, Hoots!

The week of Halloween continued our exploration of pumpkins, this week we explored different things we could make with pumpkins!

We got plenty of practice measuring and mixing ingredients when we roasted pumpkin seeds, made pumpkin pies, and pumpkin streusel muffins!

The favorite treat, by far, was the pumpkin pie.  I bet the yummy cool whip on top had something to do with the vote!

Even better than enjoying the treats we made, was sharing it with those who do so much for us...the sweet ladies in the office!

We had a special visitor this week, Father Erik!  The students had so much fun listening to Father Erik read a silly Halloween book, Click Clack Boo, and sharing with him what they were going to be for Halloween.

After Father Erik finished his story we had a few minutes to spare before we needed to get ready for lunch so we all got to pick a book from the shelf and read at our tables.  It is so wonderful to see how much every student loves to read!

This week we learned all about the number 8 and spiders who have 8 legs!  
We learned about spiders homes, diet, and how they build their webs.

We even built our own spider!  It had 8 legs,
8 eyes,
1 mouth,
and 2 fangs!
What a scary spider!  Are you afraid?

After asking each person if they are afraid of spiders, we learned how to tally data to count and compare the class' answers.  With one student absent we collected 16 student votes and two teacher votes for a total of 18.  9 people were scared and 9 were not.  The 9 not afraid are more brave than Mrs.Baker and Mrs.Straessle!

We received a special Halloween treat from Ian, how fitting that it was a spider!  Thank you, Ian!

We also made spider hats!  
We started with the eyes.
Then attached and folded 8 legs.
Then finally sported some super cute hats and smiles!

On Halloween we celebrated the close of our letter H study by wearing Hats!  Look at these cute Hoots!

Julian missed the class picture but I didn't want to leave him out!

A special thank you to everyone for helping make our Pumpkin Hunt a success, it is not possible with out the parents!

We enjoyed hunting pumpkins,
playing bingo,
and making adorable crafts!

Also, a special thank you goes out to the Jansen family for growing and donating the pumpkins for our hunt.  Madison Jansen is in Mrs.Selig's PreK A class.

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