Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nurses, Germs, and Glitter...Oh My!

Wednesday we had 2nd year nursing students from UALR come and teach us all about germs!
First we all learned the proper way to wash our hands: while singing our ABCs we scrub the tops of our hands, scratch our palms, clean under our nails, scrub our thumbs, and pay special attention to our wrists and forearms.
Next, Gus, Mallory, Benny, and Gracie took a special trip to the sink and came back with... 
We learned that germs live everywhere and we pick them up every time we touch anything.
Then, we learn how easy it is to spread germs by sharing toys, shaking hands, and playing together on the playground.  We shook hands with our classmates until we ALL had glitter germs!  Then we practiced washing our hands the way we learned and got all of the glitter cleaned up. 
At the end of our activity we got to take a group picture with our new nurse friends. 
 They even had time for a silly picture, too!
 Thanks for visiting!

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