Monday, September 8, 2014

My 5 Senses

So sorry to have gotten behind on the blog posts!  

Last week we started our apple exploration as we learned about our five senses and how they help us learn all about the world around us!  

We began by making decorations for our classroom that we could SEE.

Green, red, or yellow-all of our apples turned out great and all of the paper tearing was a great activity to help strengthen our fine motor muscles.

We also made "stained glass" tissue paper apples to decorate our windows.  The tissue paper crafts we complete throughout the year are always my favorite!

We then learned about things we could HEAR.

First we played a game identifying different sounds: animal sounds, weather sounds, and motor vehicle sounds.  Afterwards we all had a chance to make sound patterns on the smart board for the class to read a repeat.  Each of our three shapes represented a sound: square-clap our hands, star-pat our knees, circle-snap our fingers.  Everyone did such a wonderful job repeating the patterns and I was very impressed by how many kids could snap!
Next we learned about things we could SMELL and put our noses to the test!  We each had to close our eyes and try to guess what mystery food items were in the cups.  Sweet chocolate syrup, tart lemon juice, salty potato chips, etc-the students guessed each one correctly!

We then used our sense of TOUCH to see if we could guess what items were placed inside of our brown paper sacks.  The students correctly guessed the soft racoon fur, the smoothe wooden block, the rough sea shell, the squishy playdough, and the bumpy lego.

Our last activity in our five senses was the students' favorite, testing our sense of TASTE!  We each got to taste a sour lemon, bitter dark chocolate, salty tortillia chips, and sweet milk chocolate.  Each student documented on their own if they liked or disliked the food then we all got to graph our favorite taste on our class chart.

Anna's face describes our class majority best, PreK B prefers the sweet milk chocolate!

We ended our taste lesson with our first yummy apple treat of the month, Apple Nachos!!!  
Caramel and chocolate sauces, sprinkles and chocolate chips, and whipped cream only make apples taste even better, the class loved them!

In the midst of all of our apple exploration and lessons about our 5 senses we had a special visitor, Father Erik!  Father Erik got to know the students, had a great conversation about all of the things we have already learned this year in PreK, and led a short lesson on how we can talk to God through prayer.  He was so impressed when we prayed the Our Father and all of the students participated in the prayer.  We look forward to meeting Father Tom next!

Our week ended with our very first free dress opportunity for Red and White Day!  Look at all of these cuties ready to cheer on the Wabbits at the first Pep Rally of the year!

The first week of September brought about two birthdays in PreK B.  Happy birthday to Sarah Kate and Mary Millicent who both turned 5!

We also had an opportunity to take an updated class picture with all 17 of the Hoots.  Best looking group around if you ask me!

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