Monday, September 1, 2014

My Special Letter

 One of my favorite parts of the week was getting to watch each child share their Special Letter.  Sharing hobbies, pictures of family, favorite things- they all did a fantastic job speaking in front of their classmates!
After we each shared our special letter, we learned how to use our watercolors and painted our special letter.  Let me tell you, the Hoots LOVE to paint!

I just love how they all turned out!

Another activity we completed with our special letter used our penmanship skills.  First we discussed which of our friends shared the same special letter then we got to practice writing our name on our class chart.
We have lots of A names, 4 to be exact!
We also have 4 left handed students! 
I was VERY impressed with how many students could not only spell their names but could write their names as well! 

The last activity of the week was playing a fun matching game!  All week long we learned about not only our special letter, but what it takes to be a good friend, one of those is knowing all of our friends names.  So we each took a turn reading a friends name and finding their picture to match.  We all did such a great job and are on our way to knowing each of our classmates names!

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